Need to take a break?

You can put your membership on hold for up to 60 days.

While we love to see you every chance you get, we understand that sometimes life gets in the way!

  • You can request to put your membership and payments on hold for up to sixty days for any reason. The cost is $30 for every 30 days. If you are injured or have a medical reason to hold, a documented note, including a start and end time, by a Health Practitioner is recommended to verify your inability to participate in an exercise program even if we safely modify your program. You can send that documentation to Jenny: There is no cost for a Medical Hold.

  • For general Holds, please let us know as much in advance of your hold period as possible and we will arrange to suspend your payments. We’ll need a start and finish date as we will automatically restart your membership when your hold period is complete.

  • We can only put your membership on hold for a maximum of 60 days per annual commitment. Your membership end date will be bumped out for the same length of time you put your membership on Hold and you are contractually-obligated to fulfill all remaining payments.

You’ll be missed! So come back soon!

To put your membership on Hold, please fill out this form: