Our values establish both the tone for a member’s experience at Valeo and our commitment to honor their trust in us. They encompass the vibe of our coaches and community as we strive to look, move, and feel (even more) awesome, together.

  • Just like performing reps with weights in the gym makes your muscles stronger and reprograms your brain-body connection, every healthy exercise, nutrition, or mindset choice is like another re-programming rep toward (even more) awesome.

    Ordered burger sans fries: #rep.

    Doubled the servings of veggies at dinner tonight: #rep.

    Turned worry into worship: #rep.

    Chose the heavier MedBall for my Finisher this morning: #rep.

    At Valeo, we call these positive reps “1% wins.”

    And you know what? Big change is just a series of 1% wins.

    And every rep counts.

  • We know that getting healthy habits to stick takes intention and consistency, so we cultivate a perspective of practice at Valeo, like an athlete practices for his or her game. Practicing is really the essence of exercise training, nutrition and well, life: to get strong in the deadlift, you have to practice deadlifting – often. To eat more healthfully, you have to practice choosing healthy alternatives – often. Just like to be a better writer, you have to practice writing – often. To successfully fix the inner workings of a car, you have to practice mechanical skills – often. To be an active listener, you have to practice engaging in others – often.

    Choosing a perspective of ‘practice’ softens the idea that we have to “get" healthy habits perfectly and right away. Life is made of ebbs and flows and when dismiss perfection, we feel more freedom and courage to keep showing up and keep practicing knowing practice makes permanent.

  • Being coachable leads to "1% better" changes, which leads to extraordinary results. As a team, we are passionate about not only about keeping up with continuing education but being leaders in it. You will see this in our scientifically backed programming, cues, and coaching. And we know the best coaches have coaches, which is why we have hired some of the top mentors in the industry to guide us.

    This commitment as a team to learning and improving creates an environment of personal growth for our members to keep getting 1% better - both in the gym and in everyday life.

  • The feel of iron on your skin. The sweat dripping down your back. The lactic acid building up in your legs. There is an inner athlete in us all - and it emerges through grit.

    Grit gives us courage in the face of something new. It compels us to keep our commitments long after the mood we made them in has left.

    Grit is the inner growl on that last rep. It's the choice to push harder than yesterday to get a better tomorrow.

    Grit is showing up to show what you are made of - and at the gym, there's a bit of glory in the grit.

    It's good to get some.

  • Everyday life can demand a lot of us physically, emotionally, and mentally. We aim to be a place that is not only a BRIGHT spot in your day but one of the ABSOLUTE BEST parts of your day. Creating an environment of positive energy where we celebrate big and small successes helps you walk out of the gym with your head held high. And that right there is the secret sauce to looking, moving, and feeling (even more) awesome.

  • We believe what we do in the gym prepares us for (even more) adventures and (even more) “Wow! I did that!” moments outside of the gym. Whether performing in a sport, being able to carry grandchildren, or anything in-between, we were made for a life of looking, moving, and feeling (even more) awesome.

    (Even more) than the tangible physical abilities, we believe we are all visible representations of an invisible God. Although we know training the body is of little eternal consequence, we take great care and thought into training the YOU inside your body. Team Valeo actively prays for our members and it is our joy to increase in you the stewardship of your body in order to help you life your best life with joy.

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Time is precious in life. I only give the time to read two blogs / weekly newsletters. This is one of them.
— Ryan