What Would ATHLETE YOU Do?


It’s not fake it ’til you make it;

It’s be it until you become it. 

Who do you believe you are?

An unathletic person?




If you’re looking to establish healthier habits, the first step is noticing how you see yourself.

How you see yourself dictates the choices you make. If you want to look, move, and feel like an athlete (ie -a fit healthy, agile, active person), you must believe you are that type of person, first.

…even if it feels like you’re an imposter in the beginning.

By believing you’re an athlete, your behaviors will reflect the things an athlete would do, and consequently, you’ll become a more athletic you.

I use this strategy in my life all the time when I want to get back on a healthier track.

Why? Because the identity as an athlete empowers me to: 

– skip the afternoon cookie that I’ll know will escalate into more “screw it” choices

– forgo the extra cocktail that will keep me from wanting to run the next morning

– do my strength training program instead of one more scroll on Instagram

– drink more water

– go to bed on time

– pursue personal growth

‘Cause that’s what Athlete Jess would do.

Believe first.

Then behave.

Then become.

Remember: If you believe you’re lazy, every healthy behavior will feel like a burden.

If you believe you’re an athlete, it’s a lot easier to choose behaviors an athlete would choose.

So next time you’re faced with a decision of going to the gym, what to eat, or how to spend your time…ask yourself, “What would Athlete (you) do?”

Then, do that.

In Your Corner,

Jess & Team Valeo


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